Monday, October 14, 2013

A little catch up...or ketchup...whateve's

Well I seemed to leave things hanging for a bit. Only a 6 month break in blogging. No big deal. I have decided I have fallen off the blogging wagon. The mail reason I am currently blogging is to keep a journal of our experiences here in the DR. So don't really plan for anything consistent. Just know that I plan on journaling as much of this experience as I can.

As I left off the boy's were REALLY sick thankfully that past and life went back to normal with happy kids. Looking  back on the whole experience I am happy to say that we survived. It was all very scary at the time and even now I feel like we got really lucky. I never want to see Andy that sick again.

A few short weeks after the sick babies school wrapped up for Nathan. His teacher was Ms. Hannah. She was from England and we was lovely. Nathan had a wonderful start to his schooling experience in her class. As the end of the school year they had an awards ceremony and a goodbye party for the kids. The goodbye party consisted of horseback riding and a pool party! It was a very fun experience for Nathan. The kids spent their morning at Seahorse Ranch in Sosua where they took turns riding on ponies. After lunch the were able to spend their afternoon at the club.

                                        Andy wanted in on the fun...not really...he was terrified.

The day after the big party was the awards ceremony. It was fun. Nathan was awarded the "Always doing his best" certificate...I don't think they are very original with there awards. Over all it was very fun and we really enjoyed Nathan's first half year of school.

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