Friday, May 3, 2013

The parents come a visiting

My parent's came out to visit us a couple of weeks back. Having lived out of State for the past few years I am kind of used to not seeing everyone as often. I have found it hard though because while living in Elko we would take a trip every couple of months to see family. Add to that Jake being gone 5 days a week and you start to get homesick every so often. Last month my dad called me and told me that they had the time to come down during my birthday. That made me a happy girl.

Mom and Dad flew in on a Tuesday  It is a long and tiring flight so I took them out to lunch and then home so they could rest. Dad then accompanied me to pick up Nathan from school. The boy's were super excited to see grandma and grandpa. We spent the first couple of day's relaxing and enjoying the pool and beach. On the Friday it was my birthday. Jake came home with a cake he had ordered from a nice bakery near Santo Domingo. It was very tasty. On the Saturday we decided to go to a beach that we had been told was amazing. It did not disappointing. It is about 45 minutes from our home but it has a different feel to our beach. The water is shallower and the waves are smaller. Also the sand was so nice. We spent the whole day there and just enjoyed the sun.

My dad and Jake spend some time body boarding and my mom enjoyed talking to all of the peddlers on the beach. She ended up buying jewelry and a figure made out of petrified wood. It was a perfect weekend.

We really enjoyed my parents coming. It was a very good timing on there part (at least for me) because the kids got sick and ended up needing care at the hospital so it turned out to be a very big blessing that they came at that time.

We enjoyed having them here with us.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures! I love seeing your parents cuddled up on the beach! How cute!
