Sunday, April 19, 2009


I really don't have much to report this week. Last Sunday was my birthday/Easter. We spent the day at my parents and had a wonderful dinner with the family. I spent the entire day wanting to take a picture of Nathan with our Easter baskets but my point and shoot was dead and my work camera had client pictures. Finally at the end of the day when he was is a terrible mood I got a shot. It was blurry and didn't turn out. Unfortunately Nathan was angry and needed to get to bed. So sadly we don't have anything fun to show him someday for his first Easter. The only thing that makes me feel better is my older sister. She told me that the first several years of my niece's life they totally forgot Easter and ended up celebrating it a week late.

One thing that was fun this week is Nathans new favorite snack. I am sure you have seen those little puffs for baby's. They dissolve quickly so they don't choke on them. I finally remembered to pick some up on our shopping trip this week. I gave some to Nathan the other day and he initially thought them to be a toy and tossed them on the ground. I put a couple in his mouth and he pretty much though they were the best things ever. Now he has really taken to them. It was really nice today at church because we just kept stuffing them in his mouth whenever he would get fussy. This is one of the first Sundays that I have made it most of the way through Sacrament meeting. They are heaven sent. I can't wait for him to start eating big kid food. It will be so nice. So the hero of the day was the cereal puffs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - I didn't know you had a I can add you to the list of people I stalk. :)
