Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So this has been a difficult month for my mom. It started with pneumonia, and has ended with her breaking her leg and having major surgery. I just wanted to list off a few of the things that I love about her.

10 She has a beautiful singing voice
9 She taught me about art
8 Cobble Creek (family joke)
7 She has a story for everything
6 She is the most loving grandma in the world
5 She has a wicked sense of humor
4 She looks amazing at 39 years old ;)
3 Poofy
2 She has more pillows than anyone I know
1 She always has chocolate kisses in her purse

Mom I love you and I can't wait for you to get better so you can come and give Nathan kisses. He misses you.



  1. How is your mom doing? My mom called me a few days ago to let me know she was going into the hospital. She in our thoughts are prayers. We love her too.

  2. Poofy Lavoo, I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Great post Kristy.... Great picture of Mom too!
