I am pretty sure June has gone faster than any month in history. The month started with many home improvements. I talked about the painting a bit in the last post. It is now official. The molding is now in and the doors hung. Things are back together so now we are on to the decorating portion. We have had to set a budget for these things so it will probably be another month or two before everything is looking the way we would like. The most important room is the boy's room. That will be the first we get done. Hopefully within the month. I promise pictures will come soon.
The other HUGE project has been the yard. Jakes parents have been helping us plan it out and they spent several days helping us with flower beds and pruning. We took out the 2 pine trees in February but the biggest project was yet to come. The tree on the south side of the yard was nearly double the size of our house. It was only planted about 4 feet away from our foundation and with it's massive size we knew that we were asking for trouble. We also had another tree of the same variety in the back that was about the same size and it had roots that are trying to take over the back yard. So the decision was made that we needed to get these taken care of as soon as we could.
Giant tree the morning before the big cut down

The one in the back was topped and trimmed to help stunt the growth. We really do like trees in our yard but these were really causing us problems. They were weak and we felt it was better safe than sorry. No worries though we still have 9 trees to keep us cool during these warm summer days.
Onto more entertaining news. Jakes work puts on great parties. Every summer they have a huge picnic. It is pretty much a carnival with free rides, games, and food. I have been put on bed rest due to contractions but we couldn't miss this. Jake took Nathan around to all of the booths where they did some painting and won some stuffed animals. He tried to get him to go down the slides and get in the bounce house but Nate wouldn't have it. We are thinking he will appreciate those a little more next year. Overall it was a really fun day as a family. I pretty much sat like a beached whale at a table the whole time but it was worth it.
Fathers day. I was bad and I didn't take many pictures. There actually wasn't much to picture. I couldn't go and get him a gift because walking around the store causes me to have swollen ankles and contractions for several hours afterwards. But I did make a big dinner for Jake. What says I love you more than and Steak? It was good. Plus we had raspberry lemonade.

Lastly Nathan is trouble. We put him down at night at 8:00. In the past he has usually played around for about half an hour then he would fall asleep. Lately he has decided that it is fun to play in the dark and there are times when I am hearing him at 10:30. I now have to go and check on him because I never know where or what position I will find him in. One time a couple of weeks ago he was in his closet. Last night I went in and he had buried himself in his stuffed animals. I moved the pillow for the picture but you pretty much couldn't see him when you came in the room.

Well that is about it. I hope all of you are having a nice summer... finally.
Thanks for the update, Kristy. You guys look great!