Friday, March 11, 2011

So...we have a little news :)

I thought we would let people know that we are expecting again. Obviously we are a little nervous this time around. Mostly we are just thankful and excited. So far this pregnancy has been a lot easier than my last two. I haven't been sick very much. Mostly I hate food but I can deal with that.

There are extra precautions being taken in hopes of preventing a repeat of our last experience. I have made a trip to Utah for some extra tests and I will probably be spending a good portion of my pregnancy making these kind of trips. It will all be worth it.

I'm not going to lie. I am a bit of a crazy b....well lets just say I am not very pleasant when I am pregnant. This time around has been no different... unfortunately. I may be a little better since I am not constantly living next to the toilet but still I have a constant glare on my face. From May 2010 to Sept 2011 I will have been pregnant all but 7 weeks. Jake deserves a medal of honor for putting up with me and all of my craziness. To all of our friends, if you see him give him a little pat on the back. He deserves it:)

At this point Nate just doesn't get the baby thing. Thankfully we have a little time to let him know that I will not always be pregnant and the baby wont always be in my tummy.

I am 15 weeks today. Baby is due Sept 2. That would be 4 days after Nates birthday. I am hoping we don't have a double birthday. We will see how things go.


  1. We are SOOOOO excited for you! We will pray for you, and I hope EVERYTHING with this pregnancy goes as perfectly as you want!

  2. I am so happy for you, Kristy! That is wonderful news!

  3. Kristy, this is such a cute blog. You're so clever and, for the record, you were super pleasant the other night. I'm going off that :)

    Did you find anything else out on Thursday with possible bed rest? I'm ready and willing to help in whatever way you need - so please let me know. Hopefully everything was looking perfect and there's no worries!

  4. So excited for you guys! Congratulations! I'm so glad you're not sick this time! I'm sure it makes things easier!

  5. YaY!!! What super exciting news :) We are so happy for you and Jake! We sure hope all goes well this pregnancy. So are you seeing someone in Elko and Utah, if so who are you seeing in Utah??

  6. Congratulations Kristy!!! Our due dates are just 2 weeks apart!!

  7. Yay! how exciting but we totally understand the scary part. I was a wreck during my whole pregnancy with Skyler. Our hubby's really do deserve a reward for putting up with us during pregnancy. Oh well they made us that way but seriously congrats. We are so happy for you guys!

  8. That's wonderful! Congratulations! I miss you!

  9. Yeah! I'm so thrilled for you. I'll be praying that all goes well. You're such a good mom and I'm glad that you're not stuck next to the toilet all the time. Congratulations! :)

  10. Sooo happy and excited for you guys! Glad we can be crazy b...'s together;) you make me laugh! Let me know if you need a carpool buddy on those trips to Utah:)

  11. Congratulations, Kristy! That's great news. Best of luck.

  12. Congratulations to the Cefalo Family!!! Very Exciting News!!!
