So the holidays have almost come and gone and now it is time for the warm fuzzy memories. 2010 was a big year for our family. Graduation, moving out of state, having and losing a baby, buying our first house, and many many other good and not so good memories. We have been very blessed this year and my heart is full.
The last few weeks of 2010 have been some of the most eventful with the purchase of our home. It made for a stressful but wonderful Christmas break. Jake had 10 day's off so we were able to go and visit family. Unfortunately/Fortunately we needed to close on the house so we had to come home a little sooner than we would have liked. We had to cut out some Utah activities we wanted to do. Coming home early meant that we had a nice long week at home before Jake went back to work. So in the end it was actually very nice.
We ended up celebrating Christmas at our home on the 23rd before we left to Utah. Nathan got a lot of fun things. He loves his new bike and we spoiled him with puzzles and books. I was actually pretty amazed because Nate could put some of the simpler puzzles together without help. Jake got a mixed birthday/christmas gift with 2 season of How I Met Your Mother. It is one of our favorite TV show and it seems to be turning into a holiday tradition to spend some our lazy days watching our favorite episodes. Jake got me just what I asked for. He got me a copy of Disney's Beauty and the Beast. He also took me shopping on Christmas Eve for a new bedroom set. It was very fun :)
Our first Christmas Tree!
Nate's Booty
We drove to Utah on the afternoon of the 23rd to my parents house. That evening the family gathered together and we had our family party. Mom as usual made a wonderful meal and the house was decked out.
Dad in his super cool old shirt. Only to be worn on Christmas.

One of my favorite holiday traditions is my mom playing the piano while we all sing Christmas songs.

The next favorite tradition is the grandkids dressing up and acting out the christmas story...Nate was a shepherd this year.

Nate had a hard time keeping his costume on. Thankfully it didn't stop him from trying to open gifts early.

Nate especially liked them. Notice how he wouldn't eat it with his hands so he could keep them clean...I swear he has OCD.
The next morning we went out with Courtney to do a family photo session. She is going to start working with me for my photography business. I think she did a good job. This is one of my favorites.

Shortly after we headed up to Jake's parents home. One thing that I love is that on the ride up to Bountiful Nathan decided that he wanted to start calling us by our full names. We were trying to teach him to say grandma Cefalo. We then told him he was Nathan Cefalo. He staredt to say both of them. Then he stared to say Jake Cefalo and Kristy Cefalo. It is now a problem. Cute...but a problem :)
We spend a wonderful evening with Jakes family. His parents prepared a wonderful meal. There was also a very nice program that all of the kids got to participate in. It involved opening presents so Nate loved it.
So that was Christmas for us. It is a wonderful time of the year. Not only is it a time for family but it is a time to remember our Savior.
It looks like you had a great Christmas! I love the pictures!