Thursday, October 7, 2010

Avery Grace

We decided this would be the best way to tell everyone we had our baby. Avery Grace Cefalo was born Wednesday Oct 6th. She was stillborn. The first thing we want to do is thank family, friends, and all of the healthcare providers that helped us during this difficult time.

There were several events that lead up to her birth. Feel free to skip the next part if you don't want to hear about this experence. I am willing to tell what happend I just don't prefer to have to repeat it over and over.

Monday evening into Tuesday morning I notice some light bleeding. Most people wouldn't be concerned but this was very unusual for me. I called my doctor and he had me come into his office to ease my worries. The doctor gave me an ultrasound where I saw the baby moving . She was completely healthy. During the ultrasound the doctor noticed that the baby's feet were sticking through my cervix. Also there was a small pouch of fluid that was slowly moving out of my uterus through my cervix. My doctor proceded to tell me that we needed to go to Utah to get care for this. In many situations the doctor can put the patient on a bed tilted back and use gravity to help things moved back into the uterus. Once everything is in place they then put a stitch in your cervix and with bedrest and proper care you can have a full term baby. Being a small town physician my doctor felt that it would be best to have this procedure done by doctors that deal with high risk situations. Within an hour Jake, Nathan and I were on the road to Utah. I had to keep myself laying flat with my bottom elevated. Not going to was the longest drive of my life. We dropped off Nathan with Jakes parents and we were met at the University of Utah emergency room drive up with a gurney. Within minutes I was in a room on a bed tilted back with several doctors monitoring the situation. The doctors were wonderful and they were very honest with us. Unfortunately during the car ride I had continued to dialate and by the time we reached the hospital I was at a 6. By this point it was no longer possible to save the baby. The doctors prepared Jake and I for what was to come. I was going to deliever the baby and sadly she would be born alive. Due to her extreme prematurity the baby would not survive very long outside of the womb. Tuesday night was a very emotional night for Jake and I. We decided on a name. With the baby being born alive we prepared to give her a name and a blessing. Wednesday morning the doctors gave me some medication to help things move along a little faster. Jake and I spent the morning preparing for the baby. By mid morning I was in a lot more pain than expected. I had planned on not having a epidural but with the increase in pain I decided that I would want to be comfortable so I would have energy once the baby was here. This turned out to be a HUGE blessing. Shortly after 11:00 a.m. my water broke. When my water broke the placenta separeted and I started to hemmorage. Within 2 minutes I lost 2 1/2 liters of blood and I was in an operating room. The only way to save me was to get the baby out.

The hospital staff was wonderful. As Jake and I have looked back at the events of the last 2 days we have felt the Lords hand in so many situations. Had I not come to Utah for care, had I not had the epidural at the exact time I did. Because of the swiftness of the birth, the baby was not born alive. Though I wanted the experience of holding my live baby I have to admit I don't know if I could have handled it. The Lord knows us and we have felt his comforting spirit though these past few days. We had the chance to see Avery for a few wonderful minutes. She was born perfect. I will always keep the image of her body in my arms a sweet memory.

As of right now we are doing fine. We have both shed many tears but not all of them have been of sorrow. We get to come home to a sweet little boy who we love with all of our hearts. Once again thanks to everyone who has supported us during this experience. We love you.

Kristy, Jake, and Nathan


  1. Kristy, I am glad you are doing okay. I am sorry for your loss.

  2. Kristy, I'm so sorry to hear/read about Avery. What a difficult experience. I'm sorry you and Jake are going through this difficult trial. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of love and hugs.

  3. Kristy & family, I'm totally at a loss for words but just have to say I love you and our prayers are with you. As you said the Lord is with you and how great that we know of His eternal plan.

  4. Jake and Kristy-

    We are so sorry for you loss. We hope you are doing okay, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if we can do anything.

    Brent and Jessica

  5. (((hugs))) and love sent to you and your family Kristy. We will continue to keep your sweet family in our prayers. xoxo

  6. Kristy you are so amazing! While reading that post I could feel your testimony, the love you have for your family and the amazing love that the Lord has for his children. I am so sorry that you had to experience that. What comfort it is to know that Families are Forever and that you will be with sweet Avery once again. We love you and your family so much! Please let us know if we can help. You are in our prayers.

  7. Kristy and Jake,

    Our thoughts & prayers are with you at this difficult time. It truly is a blessing to know that the Lord is with you & watching over your family. You are such an amazing women & I know you'll have the strength you need to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually! What a special perfect baby you'll have for eternity...

    With much love,

    Katie and Jon

  8. Oh, Kristy...we are SO sorry for you and Jake. You are definitely in our prayers.

  9. I am so sorry. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  10. Kristy,

    I understand. Reading this blog makes me reflect back just a couple years to that day when I was writing the same thing. It TRULY is a comfort having the knowledge we have about eternal families. We WILL be with our babies again. We WILL have the opportunity to raise them.

    The next few of days are going to be very difficult. Hold Nathan a little tighter and know that you will laugh again and you will feel happy again. Avery is ALWAYS with you, and she is there to comfort you. She and her cousin Faith have to be two of THE BEST missionaries ever! I would LOVE to be a shoulder to cry on and we can certainly empathize with one another. Please call, email, message me whenever you need an ear or shoulder. I love you and pray for you and Jake. This is a difficult experience, but you will call it one of those blessed experiences a mother could have.

    I love you.

  11. Oh my Kristy. I am so sorry to hear that you lost Avery. I'm sure she was beautiful and perfect. I am praying for your sweet little family. I would love to call and speak with you. I am so grateful that you are safe. You'll get through this, the Lord is watching over you. I love you.

  12. Kristy I am so sorry! My prayers are with you. I just lost a baby in June. If you ever need to talk you can call me anytime. What a sweet name you gave to her. Thank you for sharing your sweet testimony with all of us. Love to you and your family!
    Abbi Penn 757-313-3808

  13. Kristy and Jake - We are so sorry for your loss and hope you know of our love for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. You are an amazing family and I am grateful for your willingness to share this experience with us.

    Shelley and Mikah

  14. are amazing and so good at always seeing the blessings in your life. I loved the stuff you got from the hospital and her little picture, feet and hands are perfect!! I will always picture them when I think of sweet little Avery Grace.

    Love you guys....Laura

  15. Oh, I am so sorry. All I can do is echo Katie's words and thoughts. It is truly a blessing to know the Lord is constantly watching over us, and how blessed we are to have the knowledge that families are forever. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  16. I know that no words can take away the pain. Just know that we are thinking of you and praying for you.

  17. Kristy and Jake,

    Matt and I would just like to let you know that we are thinking about you and praying for your family. I am sure she was absolutely beautiful, she had you as her mom. Eternal Families are a great blessing.

    Love The Griffiths Family

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss. No parent should have to experience the loss of their baby. It seems so unfair.
    If at some future point you think it would be helpful, the March of Dimes has some lovely and sensitive bereavement material for parents who have suffered a loss. You can read about it, and even order a free copy, at this link:
    My thoughts are with you.

  19. You have the best attitude and perspective EVER! I am so glad to have you for a have so much wisdom and optimism. Thank you for sharing such a difficult experience, I am so sorry.

  20. loves and hugs to you, jake, and nathan. i'm sorry to hear about avery. god bless.

  21. Kristy and Jake-
    My heart aches for you guys. I don't believe there is a more intense pain then losing a child. Some of the best advice I got from another mom who lost a baby was to be gentle on yourself and let yourself feel what you need to. The grieving process is so hard but with time the sunshine will return and you will come out of this stronger and with an increased faith in the plan of salvation. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Please call me anytime you want to talk.

    Love Ali and Jon

  22. You're in our prayers. I'm extremely sorry for your loss, and hope that you will feel comforted during this time.

    Love, The Bauman's

  23. Kristy you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as well. I am sorry to hear about your loss. My the Lord comfort you at this time. You guys are so strong.
    BTW Nathan is so freakin cute. I love that his hair is getting so dark. It gives me hope that one day Saiji's will too.
